The Peacemaker

Girls in the forest wearing jean jackets and flower crowns with their arms around each other

“All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation by our God.”


Today, we celebrate St. Barnabus - an incredible evangelist who dedicated his life to spreading the gospel and raising up leaders in the church.  Today’s Saint, born Joseph, was given the name Barnabus, which means, “son of encouragement” because of his incredible capacity to love others.

Barnabus played a pivotal role in the early years of the church and served as a peacemaker, especially for dear old Paul.  Since Barnabus doesn’t usually get enough credit, I thought it’d be nice for us to walk a few minutes in his shoes and soak up some of his wisdom.  Enjoy!


The Story of Barnabas

Characters: Barnabas Primary Scriptures: Acts 4 Story Summary: Barnabas brings Paul into the Church, growth of Church outside Judea Location: Roman Empire; J...



Thank You for the witness of Saint Barnabus.  Thank You for offering us a humble peacemaker to learn from.  Thank You for allowing us to follow in his footsteps in pursuing You.

Teach us how to be humble like Barnabus.  Teach us how to surrender everything like Barnabus.  Teach us how to make peace like Barnabus.  Teach us how to encourage one another like Barnabus.  Teach us how to love each other like Barnabus loved/loves.

God, we love You.  Help us to become holy like Barnabus and like You.  Amen.


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