By Single Women, For Single Women



Joanie is proof that one holy, bold, young, single woman can change the world.


Hi, I’m Beth A. Leverich, the mastermind behind The JOANIE Project!

Two years ago, God started a little idea in my heart: to write a real, honest book for single women in their 20’s. Well - that soon grew to be for single women in their 20’s and 30’s, and before I knew it, He was saying a lot more. The book is still in the works, but on the back-burner for now. Turns out, He wanted something a little more immediate.


Our girl,


 I am not afraid…I have the Lord, my God. I was born to do this.


You might be asking… if your name is Beth, then…


Simply, St. Joan of Arc (Joanie, to me) is a total baller. At the onset of this brainchild, Joanie showed up and was a great source of inspiration and a good friend to me.

Joanie is the patron saint of soldiers - and what single woman hasn’t felt the need to soldier on? If you’re reading this, I’m willing to bet that at one point or another, you’ve soldiered. I have.

Joanie wasn’t just a soldier; she was bold. Joanie was a leader, and she lived with conviction - not by her own power, but by the grace of God. If you read any of Joanie’s quotes or works about her, you’ll quickly discover that Joanie wasn’t bold for the sake of being bold. Joanie exemplified purity - her boldness came from a place of love, devotion, and conviction.

Joanie’s life beautifully demonstrated this quote,

Boldness in my life is not a function of my personality - it is a function of an impartation of the Spirit of God on my life.
— Lisa Bevere

Joanie allowed the Father to lead her into new territory. She received a word from God and acted. “Act, and God will act.” - JOANIE

Joanie acted; she responded with beauty and grace and boldness. She didn’t check her femininity at the door. She brought her whole self to the battle.

So you might ask, why JOANIE?

And I’d say -


Joanie is proof that one holy, bold, young, single woman can change the world.


JOANIE, Patron Saint of Soldiers, Pray for Us.