Lift Your Gaze

Woman looking up into the sky

“To you, O Lord, I lift up my eyes.”


I’ll be honest, sisters.  I am struggling not to get political in these posts.  The current climate is affecting me deeply, so in an effort to keep this about Jesus, I’m lifting up my eyes and lifting up my praise.  Today’s post is mostly just a big old prayer.

God, You are the Creator, the Inventor, the Author, the Provider, the Redeemer, the Renewer, the resurrection, the way, the truth, and the life.  You are our Creator, our Inventor, our Author, our Provider, our Redeemer, our Renewer, our resurrection, our way, our truth, and our life.


God, settle us in Your presence.


In the unrest, settle us.  Settle our hearts in You.  Settle our minds in Yours.  Settle our questions with Your answers.  Settle us in who You are.  Settle us into who You’ve made us to be.  Settle us in Your arms.  Settle us in Your heart.

God, we look to You.  We want to live like You do.  We want to give You all of the glory and all of the praise.  God, we proclaim that our praise carries power, that You allow it to change things.  God, we put You at the center of our hearts.  We place You on the throne.  God, be enthroned in this time of unrest.  We proclaim You as King, and we set our gaze on You - no matter what is happening around us.



Thank You for reminding us to set our eyes on You.  Thank You for inviting us into deeper relationship with You.  Thank You for allowing us to put our woes into Your hands and to remember all that You’ve given to us.

God, teach us.  Teach us how to follow You in trying times.  Teach us how to look to You when we’re struggling.  Teach us how to focus on You when our eyes wander to earthly troubles.

God, we love You.  Help us to lift our gazes and focus on You.  Amen.


"God I Look To You" sung by Jenn Johnson live at the Johnson's House Subscribe for the latest videos and songs: Stay Connected: Ins...


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