Divine Love

Open journal with venn diagram on pink background with pencil and color palatte

“I wish that where I am they also may be with Me.”


Seriously - is John 17 not the best chapter??  Right before Jesus died, these are the words He chose and the prayers He prayed.  I’m in awe.  When I read these verses, I can feel heaven enfolding me, wrapping me up in the Spirit and the divine love of Jesus.  Every time I read these lines, I’m moved - by Jesus’ sacrifice, by His desires, and by His love.

Sisters, when I’m forgetting who I am, when I stray from who God made me to be - I run to this passage.  This is the passage that reminds me who I am to Jesus.


“Father, they are Your gift to Me.”


A few years ago, the Lord invited me to read this passage in a new way - by inserting my name directly into the text, as if Jesus was praying just about me, and I discovered a new depth to Christ’s love for me.  He sees me as a gift.  He wants to be close to me.  He wants me to be a part of the intimate relationship of the Trinity.

Sisters, in the Venn Diagram of the Trinity, Jesus longs to put us at the center so we can be completely enveloped by divine love.  He died so that we might be one, as the Trinity is one, Jesus in us and the Father in Him - that we might be brought to perfection as one so the world may know that the Father sent Christ, and that God loves us even as He loved Jesus.  It’s just so kind.  We’re at the center of it all - Jesus did it all because of the Trinity’s divine love for us.  This incredible love can only be divine.



Thank You for Your incredible divine love. Thank You for enveloping us in Your love at every moment.  Thank You for coming to die an ugly death so that we could have access to communion whenever we turn our hearts towards You.

God, transform our hearts and our lives.  Show us the way to peace.  Remind us of who You’ve made us to be.  Bring us into a deeper encounter with Your love.

God, we love You.  Thank You.  Thank You.  Thank You.  Amen.


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