Empowering single, Catholic women in their 20’s & 30’s to live vibrant, BOLD, holy lives.
Here at JOANIE, we believe God created women to live full, vibrant, holy lives in every state and season. Centered around the example of St. Joan of Arc, we’re on a mission to empower single women in their 20’s and 30’s to embrace this truth and live in the freedom of God's faithfulness.
We think it's time to awaken your dreams and quit waiting for life to start. All women were made to live their best lives. Including YOU.
“I have come so they may have life and have it abundantly.”
John 10:10

When we look around, we see too many AMAZING women…
living boring lives.
We see incredible women with incredible potential who are settling for a life of waiting - waiting for vocation, waiting for a husband, waiting to become mothers.
But that’s not who we’re created to be.
Listen sisters, you’re not alone in your longing, and we’re not saying that waiting isn’t painful. BUT God calls us to live FULL lives today.
We believe:
God wants single women to live full, vibrant, BOLD, abundant lives
God cares about what we want
God designed us with desires, dreams, missions, and callings in mind
God placed desires, dreams, missions, and callings within us
God has a plan for every moment of our single season
God wants us to use our time wisely